Outrageous fortune

Due to an unpredictable, long, looping series of coincidences which I will relate in a future post, I am reading the part of Polonius tonight at Christopher Cartmill and Natalia Razak's event, The Hamlet Rave, down at NYU. So, I am speaking the speeches here at home, and painting my nails "Bloody Curtain Red".

This will be a uncut reading, which means it will be deliciously long. And there wil be other things going on at the same time - puppets, music, video, Skype performances, live commentary - that one might not think to associate with the "melancholy Dane".

There's a Facebook page for the event, and a notice on the University's website.

More on't anon. For now...

Images                                                  "Help me, Obi-Wan. You are my only hope..."




Sweet Baby James


A vast many-wingèd conspiracy