Wherever there is love

Images-2 Because I lived in England when I was little, because I know all the verses of God Save the Queen, because I believe in the healing properties of good cuppa of tea, because I am still as much of a romantic as I was when I thought Paul McCartney would realize any minute that he was The One For Me...

Because I think that "holy matrimony...is an honorable estate"...

Because I have seen and sung a lot of weddings, and mourned for how the ceremonies sometimes fail...

Because of all this, I watched the Royal Wedding. It was beautiful, stately, and joyous.

Now, I know a lot of married folks (and have been one myself), and not one of us has had a wedding like this one. That's allright. What's not allright is that some people, though they love each other deeply, and though they show tremendous commitment to the relationship, aren't allowed to marry in royal or in any other fashion.

Love, long love, requires all you have in you. I believe that every couple - and by couple I mean two people - who have courage enough to pledge to live the rest of their lives for, and with, each other should be allowed to do so with the full blessings of church and state. My church, the Episcopal Church, is walking prayerfully and purposefully toward that goal, for which I give thanks to God. 

The most glorious music in the ceremony was Paul Mealor's exquisite setting of Ubi Caritas et Amor, and here it is, as sung during the wedding. The clip is in stereo. Be patient, and let it load all the way before you listen. It is well worth the wait.


Here is a link to the tape of the whole event without any of the distracting/annoying/sometimes inaccurate commentary, which you will not miss, as I am also linking to the official programme.



Mrs. Peel, we're needed


Phoebe Snow 1952 - 2011