In a nutshell
Glad to be back, and here is the barest plot outline of where I've been all week. Last Sunday, I drove from the Bronx up to Maine, picked up my mother at the rehab center where she had been for about a week following her spinal fusion surgery and two weeks (some complications had developed) in hospital. We went to her house, and I spent the next several days rearranging furniture and everything else so that she can function easily there without bending, lifting or twisting. I had planned to be blogging, but my computer, which at times exhibits an I-know-what's-best-for-you attitude, recognized but refused to join any of the town's wi-fi hotspots. So, no computer for me, no time to figure out what the problem was, and, truth be told, that would have been multi-tasking, which my regular readers know I don't actually do very well. On Thursday I drove back to the city, arriving just in time to get to the Project Rushmore rehearsal for Beth Henley's Crimes of the Heart (I'm Lenny, the oldest sister). Up early on Friday morning, to take the subway to Penn Station, and board an Amtrak train to Washington, DC, where, on Friday afternoon I rehearsed for, and Friday evening sang for, Jim and Chatty's wedding celebration. Many smiles and four hours of sleep later, I got myself back to Union Station for a 5:25 AM (it's still dark then!) train back to NYC, and uptown just in time for the annual Vestry retreat of my congregation. A bit of hurry-up there - I never remember that there are no express trains on the weekend, and probably won't until the track repairs are completed and the schedule is back to normal, at which point there they will be, but I won't remember to take them. I finally arrived back in my apartment yesterday evening (cue At Last with alternate lyric, I know my bed has come along).
There are stories to tell for every day, but I am still too tired to tell them right now, and I am getting ready for church. But later, or tomorrow, we can have a nice cuppa, and catch up. Stay with me, and stay tuned.
One more thing about my Mom. She is in good spirits, and I know it is partly because you have been drenching her with prayer like sweet rain. Please continue, and thank you.