Jive Java
A musician friend recently sent me news of a contest - Chock Full o' Nuts Coffee is going to revive the old "Heavenly Coffee" jingle, and the company is running a contest to find The New Voice. First prize: $75,000. I do not know a single singer who could not use that windfall. Including me. I am ready! I remember that jingle note for note and word for word. The winner would also sing the jingle, of course, get a recording contract, and go to Radio City Music Hall to see a show (that last strikes me as funny, somehow).
But wait...can you spot the elves in the tree? Can you find Waldo? Can you guess who's not eligible? Other than convicted felons, that is?
That's right! Professional performers! If you actually know how to do this, you are not allowed to do it. As my friend so succinctly put it, "Disqualified for being qualified, and promoted for being inept."
Well, did you evah? Thank heavens that never happens in politics.