I can't remember what tracks I followed through the "interwebs" to arrive at this video. That's so often the way, isn't it?  One turns to the computer with a perfectly straightforward question, something one needs to know, and then an hour later looks up to realize one has been seduced by Mr. Google. Again. I was looking for a way to renew my car registration online, that much I remember. Or perhaps I heard a faint little tweet.

Somehow I landed at Rob Bell's website, and this video. His name was familiar. Pastor of a large church in Grand Rapids, Michigan, he sparked controversy recently with his newest book, Love Wins. There has been a buzzing of hornet talk in the evangelical community. The book in question is not yet available; the release date is March 29th. This suggests that more folks might be upset by it than have actually read it.

The video and the "disturbance in the Force"  have caught my interest. I'll be reading...






More Bell!


Guide thou the song I shall sing of thee: set prayers