More dreams

My cat is asleep on the sofa next to me. He's dreaming. His ears are twitching, his whiskers vibrating, and his white paws are having little flurries of motion. He's quiet, though, except for the tiniest of tiny snores.

When my dogs dreamed, they were loudly vocal. Shekinah howled in her sleep, and Shadow yipped. They often woke me, as I now often wake myself by talking in my sleep. Sometimes I am shouting "no!", or "yes!". Sometimes I wake in the middle of long complex explanations that make perfect sense in the dream's reality, but get very misty and vague in the transition to wakefulness, and the more conscious I become, the more I wonder what the heck I am talking about. Sometimes I am singing. I suppose my paws twitch, too.

I have a big box full of the notebooks in which I wrote down every dream. sometimes several dreams a night, for seven years. Then the dreams slowed. There were dreamless nights. Eventually, there were only dreamless nights for a couple of years. This spring, though, I have begun to dream more actively again. Something's stirring. Are any of you experiencing this?


Dream team


Dreaming dreams