Singing in the rain

A torrential downpour coincided with arriving at Yale and unloading the car, but I am nonetheless nestled into the dorm room, and everything has been unpacked and put away. This space is now mine... at least for the next nine days. The students are rehearsing with the accompanists for their first round of singing. Each will get the chance to perform one song for the entire faculty and their fellow students. At the end, we teachers have a bit of a sense of who everybody is, and then the teaching really begins.

This year I am blessed to have been teamed with George Hall - friend and inspiration! - and Tex Arnold, whom I first met here seven years ago, and who has been my musical collaborator ever since. I am glad to be here and eager for the work to begin.


Yale Cabaret, Julie Wilson, and it's still hot


Boola boola, yeah yeah yeah!