Songbird at Birdland

My cold is almost gone now, or my allergies have calmed down a bit - can't tell what it was - and the city is ablaze with spring.Everything that can bloom is blooming. What was just a change of lightin February, and an occasional scent on the breeze in March is now afully-arrived Spring, a rich and riotous play of scent and color. Aneighbor has hyacinths in a windowbox; walking by them is almostswoon-inducing. The community garden is a kaleidoscope of tulips, andthe Cathedral garden is...well, ...divine!

This coming Monday night I am singing at Birdland again. Rehearsal's today with the rhythm section, and then more personal practicing over the next few days until, by Monday morning, it becomes counter-productive to practice any more. Back by popular demand: Seven Years in Four Minutes (the Manhattan Transfer medley), and the Bach cello suite. There will be a few new tunes as well, representing songwriters Carol Hall, Harry Nillsson, and Adam Guettal. I am blessed to have Tex Arnold at the piano, Rich de Rosa on drums, and Steve la Spina on bass.

It will be a grand night for singing. April 27, 7 PM. Where? Down at Birdland!

Oh, and... I am receiving the 2008 Backstage Bistro award for Best Jazz Vocalist the next night. Hey nonny nonny!


One day closer...


From dust to alleluia, for Kia