
The Magi didn't expect the Holy Family to be
so much larger than life.
Quite the Epiphany!
And the trip was such a schlep,
they decided to head home another way.

via meredithgould.blogspot.com

While the white porcelain Magi my mom gave me have been making their way across the top of the bookshelf toward the stable under the lamp, and the life-size lawn figures down the street have been rounding the rhododendrons,  Meredith Gould's little Magi have also been traveling. Take a look at her blog to see the record of their astounding and sometimes alarming travels.

Today, at last, it is the Feast of the Epiphany, and all our kings and wise men have arrived at the manger, bearing their traditional gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh (and, in Meredith's case, the priceless extra gift of laughter). May we all be blessed with the insight to recognize the divine in all circumstances.


Pip and Paul


The Apple Tree