Shadow, and light
Oh it has been so very hard to write. I lost my best friend on August 9, my beautiful dog Shadow, my beloved noble companion of 13 years who, after an eighteen-month long remission from lymphoma, fell away from health as if he was tumbling off a cliff, out of my reach, and there was nothing I could do, nothing, nothing, nothing. Except help him leave. Which I did. I set him free.
Angels appeared - people in the street murmured comforting words, a woman held a door open, a veterinarian I had never met before showed great compassion. They all helped me. That dark day had a golden glow, a warmth entangled with the hurt. How?
Maybe happiness is simply paying attention. Noticing. Even in grief there can be this noticing, this attention. Sorrowful happiness. Joyful sorrow. And the sharing of it.
Enough for now. More tomorrow. Blessings.